Hotel Elabe Marine de Kribi

CamerounHotel Elabe Marine


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

Route Edéa, XWRG+3FF, Kribi, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 99 90 77 84
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 2.9901856, Longitude: 9.9261801

commentaires 5

  • Damien Omoloma

    Damien Omoloma



  • Lionel Nges

    Lionel Nges


    Can save in necessity

  • Chrystelle TAPOUH

    Chrystelle TAPOUH


    The spot is nicely located on waterfront with a private beach and restaurant patio. However I was shocked that they were not a able to provide a TV in my room

  • Randy Seta

    Randy Seta


    Have current only after a hard struggle cuz of eneo failure Too much mosquitoes

  • John Eichler

    John Eichler


    There are rooms just a couple of steps away from the Atlantic. Nice restaurant. Good prices

Lodging la plus proche

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