Hotel Le paradis C2 suite de Kribi

CamerounHotel Le paradis C2 suite


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🕗 horaire

XW97+2X4, Kribi, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 2.9675152, Longitude: 9.9149437

commentaires 5

  • Glenn Faison

    Glenn Faison


    This hotel is located across the road from a free beach at Kribi, but is just far enough that you don't get to feel the sea breeze or hear the waves It's not quite the best standards, but he you have a peaceful, quiet, spacious setting. It has a restaurant that offers a variety of food, there is no swimming pool Unfortunately, at the time of my visit, many of the hotel rooms were far from being in the best condition. There were rooms with malfunctioning water heaters, missing AC remotes, missing showers, bathtubs with no taps or stoppers, missing trash cans, and in the worst cases, no running water. Some rooms had no pillows/pillowcases and unclean bedsheets. The cleaning service was far from the best If they can repair the malfunctions inside the rooms this will definitely be pleasurable place to visit Price ranges here are quite cheap by the standards of Kribi

  • Fofe Rodrigue

    Fofe Rodrigue



  • Pauline De Hona

    Pauline De Hona



  • Cecilie-Marie Holmen

    Cecilie-Marie Holmen


    What 😳 Is too far

  • Reinis Simanovskis

    Reinis Simanovskis


    Made a reservation. All confirmed, arrive, they've just given out all rooms and say there's no reservation. Although they're full, you could still book them online for the day - which ofcourse means nothing

Lodging la plus proche

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