Residence des Lilas de Yaoundé

CamerounResidence des Lilas


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Quartier Chateau Santa Barbara Yaounde, WG7J+W8M, Yaoundé, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 77 61 77 62
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 3.9148499, Longitude: 11.5308083

commentaires 5

  • Christophe Nkene

    Christophe Nkene


    The Lilas Residence has great potential in terms of accommodation

  • Christian Tillieux

    Christian Tillieux


    Having a reservation confirmed by Booking, we were told that there was no reservation and that it would not work anyway. No one came to us to talk and see if another solution could be found. Door closed and phone cut off. Really very, very unprofessional.

  • Soso Fallatah

    Soso Fallatah


    The hotel is very clean and almost all needs are available. The internet ends quickly because it serves all residents I booked it for two weeks and this is my second day in the apartment I booked a one-bedroom apartment. It was located on the ground floor and overlooked a small courtyard. The 24-hour guard was at the door. I felt safe there. The downside is that the services are far from the nearest grocery store The employees are very respectful and helpful

  • Ambadiang Josiane Josiane

    Ambadiang Josiane Josiane


    Well located and quiet; various good quality service, pleasant welcome; complete interior equipment, you feel at home. •••

  • TALA Salvador

    TALA Salvador


    High value for money otherwise for the rest it's a bit clean and the staff is kind and welcoming

Lodging la plus proche

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