Restaurant le Biniou, Yaoundé de Yaoundé

CamerounRestaurant le Biniou, Yaoundé



🕗 horaire

BP 2083, Yaoundé, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 99 50 31 68
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 3.8899791, Longitude: 11.5150952

commentaires 5

  • Ndaya Ananga Grâce Gabrielle

    Ndaya Ananga Grâce Gabrielle


    It is quiet... I love it's rustic decor. The clientele is mature (not lousy and vulgarian). You won't regret eating their Pizzas, mocktails, hot ginger tea... amongst other delicious dishes they offer

  • Mohsan Latif

    Mohsan Latif


    Nice food and very calm place

  • Nana C.

    Nana C.


    No doubt a great place to eat. I was satisfied by the food. The thing I disliked the most was the service. The waiter was not committed to his work. We really felt uncomfortable.

  • maggy achidi

    maggy achidi


    The food was decent although presentation could use a lot more work. They only sell bottles of wine, no by-the-glass consumption and no cocktails. Also gratin dauphinois isnt that accurate as they dont really slice the potatoes but like quarter them or something resulting in big chunks, still tasty though. The pricing is quite good tho for the type of food, most of everything can be acquired under 11000cfa.

  • Bianca



    Lovely quiet place a bit away from the street with a little green garden. Delicious food (love the galettes but also great salads, steaks,fish etc.) And very friendly and attentive waiters.

Restaurant la plus proche

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