Auberge La Cachette i Ombessa

CamerounAuberge La Cachette


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Quartier Boya Gnagno, J7C4+85H, Ombessa, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237
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Latitude: 4.620806, Longitude: 11.255478

kommentar 5

  • florence woro

    florence woro


    A place worth a visit, affordable prices

  • Jean Daniel Dang

    Jean Daniel Dang


    Although the quality of the rooms is not high standard, its location remains unique 👏

  • Yiephou Martial

    Yiephou Martial


    Vehicles heading to the west of the country and Lekié are easily found there.

  • Raymond Onanena

    Raymond Onanena


    The rooms are equipped with an LED television

  • Tonya Michaella

    Tonya Michaella


    Not very well known but often in high demand during weddings and funerals. You can spend an acceptable night for a place like this but it must be said that the developers need funding to improve these infrastructures, and why not build more.

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