Bonapriso Dentist Clinic i Douala

CamerounBonapriso Dentist Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

2549, Douala, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 99 99 72 46
internet side:
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Latitude: 4.0292839, Longitude: 9.7025469

kommentar 5

  • Multi Media Center

    Multi Media Center


    Clean, really very hygienic. Flexible appointments and almost non-existent waiting times. No marathon during treatment. Completely satisfied with the service so far!

  • Cédric Djeutcheu

    Cédric Djeutcheu


    I am very, very SATISFIED with the dental care I receive in this clinic and I thank Doctor Jules-Romain very much for the care he gives to my teeth. I give it a score of 10/10.

  • Solane Evany Tenda Djakou

    Solane Evany Tenda Djakou


    I received a very warm welcome at the dental clinic, with quality care provided by qualified professionals. I was really very satisfied and I highly recommend it.

  • ZOULIKA Salif

    ZOULIKA Salif


    Previously, my family and I had major dental problems, but since I discovered BONAPRISO DENTAL CLINIC, the nightmare is over! I have a beautiful smile, my children can chew without complaining... I highly recommend this clinic, the staff is extremely competent, the setting is pleasant.

  • tiga honba

    tiga honba


    So there, very clean premises and cutting-edge tools. I went there for a descaling and was satisfied. The only problem encountered is that you have to remember to update your telephone numbers.

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