Cabinet dentaire de la clinique saint Martin i Yaoundé

CamerounCabinet dentaire de la clinique saint Martin



🕗 åbningstider

Jouvence, Yaoundé, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 90 28 64 03
internet side:
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Latitude: 3.8293894, Longitude: 11.4782477

kommentar 5

  • Joel Sakam

    Joel Sakam


    I was in pain, and like magic it disappeared...abracadabra!! In this office, my tooth could be treated. I highly recommend it, especially since everything takes place in a mood of scope. Thank you again Dr for your efficiency, and your good understanding too!

  • Aurelie TIOSSOK

    Aurelie TIOSSOK


    The sweetest doctor in Yaoundé. Before you, I had a terrible fear of the dentist. You made me want to constantly visit a dentist again.

  • Manuella NOUAZE

    Manuella NOUAZE


    Very professional and takes good care of his client. Provides the best patient care

  • Kemgang Mawamba Clementine

    Kemgang Mawamba Clementine


    Great experience! I liked the card and the fact that explanations were given to me for each treatment I received.

  • Berth Ndongo

    Berth Ndongo


    Very professional. Thank you doctor for taking away my fear of the dentist. Thank you for your patience and attention.

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