Corner Café de Douala

CamerounCorner Café



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2MRP+WR7, Douala, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 69 39 40 27
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.042283, Longitude: 9.687054

commentaires 5

  • Élodie Munich

    Élodie Munich


    Didn’t like my food, I guess you could try it, I don’t know what they serve as ‘white wine’ but beurk!

  • Sungmin Ju

    Sungmin Ju


    A delicious restaurant. The sandwich is delicious. The set menu is also good value for money. There are recommended foods for each day of the week, so it would be a good idea to go according to the day of the week.

  • Ben-Aurel Loundou

    Ben-Aurel Loundou


    The food is nice and affordable. the staff really friendly. The restaurant is clean. however, there was a really noticeable smell of what I think is humidity or just the fact the building is really old.

  • Ghislain Ngongang

    Ghislain Ngongang


    Right in the center of Bonanjo, this restaurant offers you a variety of dishes, for my little experience, it was great. Can't wait to go back, see you there this weekend? 😊

  • Minette




Café la plus proche

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