Illy coffe shop de Douala

CamerounIlly coffe shop



🕗 horaire

2MGW+4WJ, Douala, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 70 95 00 00
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.0253316, Longitude: 9.6972706

commentaires 5

  • Hakan Özdemir

    Hakan Özdemir


    The staff working here provides the best quality service to their customers. They welcome them with a smiling face and show a flawless performance in their services. In addition to their services, they offer their customers the soft drinks they have prepared very well. I thank them very much for this

  • Armand Fridolain Guemkam

    Armand Fridolain Guemkam


    Original set up to enjoy coffee and drinks with cosy style...

  • Lucas



    Very fantastic place. Must to visit and drink great coffe.

  • yasmine job

    yasmine job


    Cosy and quiet coffee bar. Nice decoration and friendly barmaid.

  • Acho Arnold

    Acho Arnold


    The coffee shop is nice and clean but it's quite expensive on average. The coffee too isn't too spectacular for the price

Café la plus proche

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