La Croissanterie de Douala

CamerounLa Croissanterie



🕗 horaire

Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
2MGW+4WV, Douala, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 70 95 00 00
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.0253556, Longitude: 9.6972825

commentaires 5

  • Utibe-Abasi Essien

    Utibe-Abasi Essien



  • Lily Asongfac

    Lily Asongfac


    This is a nice place to grab a quick bit or coffee during a break at work or when you need some quiet time alone. La croissanterie is a small shop with a pastries and a mini supermarket. it has a very beautiful interior design and seating for 2 and 3. their chairs are cool and you can use you laptops here. There is a very clean toilet here and a refrigerator with cold drinks, yogurt and water. you can also get ice cream here, sealed ice-cream. It a nice place and popular among Travelers.

  • Tse Ernest Chi

    Tse Ernest Chi


    Very nice little shop to have a coffee with friends and discuss. They also sell a lot of stuff, like a mini supermarket. You can work with your laptop whilst here. However, I found one of the waitresses particularly rude. Apart from that, it's a good place.

  • Vince Pang

    Vince Pang


    Nice shop. It’s not normal to find this kind of small shop in Cameroon. The only problem is that one or 2 staff are not so friendly, but most of them are nice. By the way, drinking beer is not allowed in the shop, you can only buy and take away.

  • Tabot Kevin

    Tabot Kevin


    Clean, modern, simple but sophisticated with and amazing customer service. This size is relatively slightly above small.

Café la plus proche

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