Fini Hotel Limbe i Limbe

CamerounFini Hotel Limbe


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Nouvelle route Bonaberi, Limbe, Fako, CM Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 90 40 24 17
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Latitude: 4.0152841, Longitude: 9.1465124

kommentar 5

  • mondoapaul engemise

    mondoapaul engemise


    It was to be there very clean and very classy

  • Afanyu Serge

    Afanyu Serge


    It was good being there. Just that I don't too much like hotels beside the high way.

  • Zheh Roger

    Zheh Roger


    I like their rooms and customer service. The location is great as well. Anytime I'm in Limbe, Cameroon, I'll still wish to have a night here.

  • Teghen Clovis (iam_tcdelight)

    Teghen Clovis (iam_tcdelight)


    A 3 star luxury beach resort with 5 star services and an accessible location. A cool pool with lots of fun to be had in it. Bar and restaurant with a sea front view 🌅. At the from of the hotel is a crocodile pool for your site seeing. Beside it is a gym and fitness center to build your body. The restaurant has a beach opening at the back which you can access the sea and the beach and take some beautiful photo 🌈 The hotel provides long and short term accommodation of all classes. With a high class security, Fini hotel is noted to host football team's that compete for major tournaments such as the African Nations Cup and also the Women Sfrican Nations cup. It's an oasis of beauty and glamour to spies all your photos on as sunny day. It's restaurant can also be used to host your events as well as it's halls. Take a stop at Fini as a tourist and enjoy all 5 star comfort in the 3 star resort.

  • Carole Stephanie KACMANY TIENTCHEU

    Carole Stephanie KACMANY TIENTCHEU


    Calm hotel with a very welcoming staff. The rooms are clean and beautifully decorated. It's not a surprise they were selected to host CHAN players. Their menu is varied at the restaurant. The staff communicates both in French and English The security is ensured by soldiers. I spent 2 wonderful weeks there

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