Fokou Penka Michel i Penka-Michel

CamerounFokou Penka Michel


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F6FR+9X7, Penka-Michel, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 72 04 43 14
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Latitude: 5.4734134, Longitude: 10.2424278

kommentar 5

  • Dg Keroya

    Dg Keroya


    Verry Nice

  • Roger Gnintedem tsague

    Roger Gnintedem tsague


    It is a brand new building, clean and well equipped with construction equipment, electronics, electricity, plumbing, cleaning and many others

  • Sendze Fabianos

    Sendze Fabianos


    Services are good. Environment is clean and very inviting.

  • paddyatkins laurel

    paddyatkins laurel


    It's a nice place, my village by the way. Sadly, there is no tap water. It's been years since we have been connected with electricity and yet, we are still paying our bills in Bouda. It's a not appreciable to the village.

  • G-rar F'ce

    G-rar F'ce


    Once a leader in mass distribution in Cameroon, Fokou is one of the Cameroonian groups that has stood the test of time and remained among the big ones. Today its stores are increasingly old and lack maintenance. The remarkable products you will find there are mainly wines and hardware products. But also household appliances, furniture, construction materials and food. Prices there are generally affordable. Friendly employees. They are represented in the 10 regions of the country.

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