Idéal hôtel i Ngaoundere

CamerounIdéal hôtel


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By Pass Road, Ngaoundere, Vina, CM Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 2 43 00 07 76
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Latitude: 7.333873, Longitude: 13.57386

kommentar 5

  • Abilandou Vera

    Abilandou Vera



  • Georges NIATCHAK

    Georges NIATCHAK


    Very beautiful hotel in Ngaoundere. The rooms are affordable and big enough. I found difference of standing only on the presence or not of the AC, which is not a big deal in a cold town. I found the service quality not bad. The things I didn't appreciate was only the fact that the hotel is far from the main town. It is in an untarred road. The kitchen is not too demanded so almost empty most of the time. This impact the quality of the food served. Finally, there was no internet service. Globally I enjoyed staying there.

  • Fonka Mutta

    Fonka Mutta


    Comfortable and safe hotel with pleasant room service. Great stopover for anyone travelling across Cameroon.

  • Emmanuel Sengafor

    Emmanuel Sengafor


    Very clean place with polite receptionists

  • Abdulrazaq Gidado

    Abdulrazaq Gidado


    It's a nice place to stay.

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