Iya Glacier i Garoua

CamerounIya Glacier



🕗 åbningstider

Grand Marche, Garoua, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 92 57 58 66
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Latitude: 9.3062838, Longitude: 13.3977013

kommentar 5

  • Emmanuel BOO

    Emmanuel BOO


    Nice, perched above the big market. Good shade and good breeze on the terrace. The dishes are well cooked. As a drink, I recommend natural lemon juice: it really quenches your thirst. 👌

  • ahmed said

    ahmed said


    Warm welcome and fast, clean service

  • M_CITY Cloud

    M_CITY Cloud


    Pleasant for family and family outings, well-executed cuisine but on the other hand lack of variety in terms of ice cream and a little slow service.

  • Aloys Eugene NDJEME EKOULE

    Aloys Eugene NDJEME EKOULE


    I liked the place and the meal is really great; especially their beef tripe stir-fry 😁😁😁👍👍👍😋😋😋😋

  • Hadja Fafyne.

    Hadja Fafyne.


    Pas beaucoup de variétés de cuisine proposées. La cuisine est bonne, le service est bien mais il manque presque tout.

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