Marché Central Yaounde i Yaoundé

CamerounMarché Central Yaounde



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Marché Central de, Yaoundé, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 51 02 09 36
internet side:
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Latitude: 3.8660272, Longitude: 11.5183064

kommentar 5

  • Anye Awasom

    Anye Awasom


    It is a big market well planned in sections of the various articles and needs of costumers. They sell whole sells and retails.

  • Zachieus Asongu

    Zachieus Asongu


    Model on past perceptions of development but still has a touch that will entice visitors. Relatively save market with police post. Accessible to all even handicaps. Variety of articles and household goods.

  • Chapsy Herself

    Chapsy Herself


    Crowded with so much traffic. It does have relatively everything you could be looking for but you might have to move around a lot. One has to always beware of one's surroundings and hold/handle your purse viciously.

  • Kenkoh Eugine Nai

    Kenkoh Eugine Nai


    This is the new extension of Marche Centrale in Yaounde called Ongola. Beautiful to shop there with easy parking space.

  • Lubega Ronald

    Lubega Ronald


    It's a nice place, it has everything for human needs

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