Mbouoh Star Palace i Dschang

CamerounMbouoh Star Palace


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C3V4+P32, Dschang, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 90 08 61 80
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Latitude: 5.4442692, Longitude: 10.0551295

kommentar 5

  • Graziano Giuliani

    Graziano Giuliani


    No internet available at the time of visit. Rooms ok, had to quarantine one smelly decorative pillow. Hot water available. Door locks unsafe, but the security is ok. Food is good. Roadside, the honking starts early and hotel is just in front of market.

  • Armand NSOKA

    Armand NSOKA


    Staff are kind and friendly... located in the middle of the town allow easily to get whatever I want

  • ANGYIBA SERGE Andigema

    ANGYIBA SERGE Andigema


    Such a wonderful place, nice kitchen, comfortable service and talkless of the club is cool.

  • Dread Marcelo

    Dread Marcelo


    The place was nice. Pretty well equipped, and the staff was nice. Unfortunately the WiFi was off. And the elevator died one or two... But nothing big. 👌

  • Remi Ridha

    Remi Ridha


    Real cool place to hang out with friends and catch bit of fun if u are new in town and looking for a place to sleep this place will be at your service!

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