OIC Restaurant i Buea

CamerounOIC Restaurant



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Great Soppo, Buea, Fako, CM Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 2 43 15 07 21
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 4.1550219, Longitude: 9.2566895

kommentar 5

  • Robby Egbe

    Robby Egbe


    Beautiful environment for every occasion and the food is out of this world, of course they trained all the best hotel managers and cooks around the country.

  • Kima Simeon

    Kima Simeon


    If your looking for something simple then that's the spot

  • Mbianyor Bill

    Mbianyor Bill


    Easy to locate. The presentation of the food could be improved upon. The fact that it's outdoor and by the road makes it hardly the ideal place for a quiet chat. However, a good variety of properly cooked local meals.

  • Sir Akuchu

    Sir Akuchu


    Nice training center for young people

  • Jenniline Ebai

    Jenniline Ebai


    Exquisite and classy Restaurant serving all sorts of meals vegetarian, kidds dessert and e.t.c It's cooks and Chefs are well educated in the art of culinary and as a result serve fine looking delicacies with great taste. The Restaurant is very comfortable and serves food at affordable prices.

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