Restaurant la Marquise Nkongsamba i Nkongsamba

CamerounRestaurant la Marquise Nkongsamba



🕗 åbningstider

Unnamed Road, Nkongsamba, Moungo, CM Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 96 07 37 13
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Latitude: 4.9572924, Longitude: 9.9366048

kommentar 5

  • Heidi Maya

    Heidi Maya


    I highly recommend eating at the “La Marquise” restaurant. The food is delicious: not too much salt, not too much oil, well-cooked food. I really like the place: its old windows and doors reveal a bit of the city's colonial past. The service on the other hand is quite slow. If you are very hungry, you risk leaving before receiving your order. So make sure you go there with some leftover food in your stomach! 😂

  • Daniel Poupie

    Daniel Poupie



  • Serge Moubeke

    Serge Moubeke



  • Mouhammed Moustafa Mbouombouo

    Mouhammed Moustafa Mbouombouo



  • François xavier Kenmgne

    François xavier Kenmgne


    La Marquise is a benchmark restaurant in Nkongsamba. The space is clean and well appointed, the dishes delicious and well made, the staff welcoming and friendly. The cuisine is diverse and it is possible to order special or specific dishes. I personally enjoyed my stay in these places and I recommend it to those who will be passing through the city of seven hills.

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