Restaurant Miam Miam Glou Glou i Maroua

CamerounRestaurant Miam Miam Glou Glou


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H8P6+R28, Maroua, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 96 03 74 60
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Latitude: 10.5870307, Longitude: 14.3100652

kommentar 5

  • Hamadou Mouslim

    Hamadou Mouslim


    This cool

  • Abdoulaye Youssaou

    Abdoulaye Youssaou


  • chukwudi offor

    chukwudi offor


    Very nice

  • Jean Heribert NKO'O NKO'O

    Jean Heribert NKO'O NKO'O


  • Georges NIATCHAK

    Georges NIATCHAK


    Good and calm. Interior and exterior space to choose from. The space is large and can be used for larger events. The restaurant offers a buffet with a good variety of dishes but it is possible to be served à la carte. Although only visited during the day, the configuration suggests that in the evening there is a musical team to accompany customers The costs are very affordable and the quality of the cuisine has nothing to envy of the city's great restaurants. Above all, it is quite stocked, even for dishes usually rare in the region.

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