SGC, Bafoussam i Bafoussam

CamerounSGC, Bafoussam


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FCH9+PMQ, Bafoussam, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237
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Latitude: 5.4793366, Longitude: 10.4192361

kommentar 3

  • Sangueu Takoudoum vianney marc aurele

    Sangueu Takoudoum vianney marc aurele


    The incapacity, the lack of professionalism and seriousness which characterize the agents of this bank is unheard of. More than once trying to initiate a money transfer without success because each time there is an element missing and then at the end saying that the transfer is not possible, that's quite simply unacceptable and unprofessional, you should do some recruiting because your agents suck. Service quality report -10/10. Useless, unprofessional and above all incapable agents. You should simply close down.

  • Ken Arts LDP

    Ken Arts LDP


    Well thought out, and very stable. Helps employees advance more quickly

  • jerry william Talla

    jerry william Talla


    I don't like banking services, such as Ebene retirement, canal plus, to subscribe it's quick in less than 24 hours, but to cancel the subscription, for canal+ horizon took me 6 months without counting the bad reception, for Ebene retirement that's 7 months I wait for my contributions without success

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