Vatican Express i Yaounde

CamerounVatican Express


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Biscuterie, Yaounde, Camerún
kontakter telefon: +237
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Latitude: 3.8533986, Longitude: 11.4886153

kommentar 5

  • Rigobert Njukang

    Rigobert Njukang


  • fonyam ezekiel

    fonyam ezekiel


    I have a nice a safe trip from Yaounde to Bamenda when I visited my county. They need to work hard on thier customer service, resolving issues with customers. And clear specify the passengers sits as printed on dome paper sheet. I had an issue of booking a sit on the Demo paper as sit 21 but when I get the bus sit 21 was the one I booked for. I take this issue to the cashier I paid for because they was no customers service in places but she did nothing to help and it was late for me to take another agency. They need to work more on customer service and products knowledge.

  • fr

    Eleanor Kouamen


    Satisfaction sûr

  • Deodatus Biches

    Deodatus Biches


    I like travelling by Vatican. They do it for me.

  • Zachary Tabebot

    Zachary Tabebot


    Good travel agency

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