Yaoundé General Hospital i Yaoundé

CamerounYaoundé General Hospital



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Yaoundé, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 2 22 20 28 02
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Latitude: 3.8480236, Longitude: 11.5020133

kommentar 5

  • Ngu Ralph Taboh

    Ngu Ralph Taboh


    A very big hospital with a wide range of specialty. Come get treated

  • E. C.

    E. C.


    Good experts. But the customer service is horrific. Workers at the paydesk are very annoying.

  • FONYUY leitar Detro

    FONYUY leitar Detro


    Very clean 🧼 n welcoming

  • Chutuo Pouemi

    Chutuo Pouemi


    The good: there was doctor at the Oncology department who made it a point to address each and every patient in its own language. If you speak French, he speaks to you in French and if you speak English, he would address you in English: that alone is worth it weigh in gold, in a Country at war over cultural and identity issues. The building housing the hospital itself is an architectural masterpiece and I was most impressed in the way the Belgian builders optimized airflow in the building. No visible HVAC equipment anywhere, but air flows in the building and cool it down significantly even during the dry season. The ugly: The only set of elevators is reserved for hospital personnel who need them the least. Most toilets|bathrooms are nonfunctional and there are signs of deferred maintenance all over the place. That is somehow expected given that we are in fact in Cameroon. The bad: IF the cashier machine down at the pharmacy means that they cannot serve you the drugs are you so desperately need and they don’t seem to thing it is a problem. You would thing they would at least serve you and bill you manually until the machine is back in service. It is shocking, but most people here are okay with it. Luckily, pharmacy Blue is just across the street and benefits immensely from the hospital lack of vision. Patient data is mostly handled manually and I have to wonder who they go about getting, storing, destroying or archiving it. Get computers and learn how to use them to make your live easier. Setting up a LAN for the hospital would not cost that much, given the labor rates in the country.

  • Grace fon

    Grace fon


    No comfortable place for people waiting in the mortuary for mortal remains.. As we all know hardly on time

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