akacia i Jaunde




🕗 åbningstider

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Jaunde, Kamerun
kontakter telefon: +237
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 3.8316289, Longitude: 11.4889261

kommentar 5

  • Ngouambe Nestor

    Ngouambe Nestor


    Good for shopping foer those willing to buy goods especially winea

  • Mr S G George

    Mr S G George


    A good market to easily get food stuff, clothes, and other house hold things ... It is almost an open market. Always congested with people buying and other marketers selling their good and shouting all over the place. Market not clean same as other markets in Cameroon. This market is too close to the main road making it very dangerous for buyers and passerby along the environs... this market also has a very large amount of dirt dumped along the street and it really cause bad smells as the dirt can make up to several days before being emptied... I think that individuals should work together with the government to make our environment clean and comfortable for all of us especially markets where we all but food to feed

  • en

    Collins Akaragwe


    An open air market that needs to be decongested and organised. The piles of garbage around the market should be cleared.

  • en

    En Mafo


    A self content market; food stuff, fruits, vegetables, cloths, shoes, household appliances, chicken utensils, beef etc. It's a loving experience

  • Wiz Bree

    Wiz Bree



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