ARNE's Cafe de Limbe

CamerounARNE's Cafe



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258W+FR6 Limbe Wildlife Centre, Limbe, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 66 22 42 17
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.0161712, Longitude: 9.1970311

commentaires 5

  • Lacy Inscho

    Lacy Inscho


    The owners are wonderful people and the food is great. My family ate here several times during our time in Limbe. Loved hanging out here in the evening eating fresh food and listening to the wildlife.

  • Joseph Motumba

    Joseph Motumba


    The place is one in town when you are in limbe,its in the heart of the city easily located in the limbe wildlife center,has great foods,drinks both wine and soft and has a great view will love it,its amazing.

  • Tor Morten Sneve

    Tor Morten Sneve


    Arne has the best food in Limbe. The atmosphere is laid back and relaxed. Watch out for menus with a slightly naughty touch

  • Blaise Talla

    Blaise Talla


    Amazing place to go for proper relaxation with friends, family and relatives. Arne is a fantastic place for family walks at any time of year and we have regular ... Adjacent to the car park you will find our shop and cafe

  • Elsa Romao

    Elsa Romao


    Arne's is a refreshing place to eat your meal or enjoy a cold drink when visiting to the wild-Life Center in Limbe. We went there for a drink and a 5 minutes' break and it was a very good moment for all of us. We didn't order any food but from what I saw being served on other tables, it seems that they have a pretty neat kitchen for Western costumers - hamburgers and pizza looked really good! The prices are OK for western standards but prohibitive for local people, I'm sure. The bartender was really nice and even offered us a garlic bread! For sure, I will have to go for a meal there next time I'm in Limbe!

Restaurant la plus proche

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