Kitchen Glory Snack-Bar Restaurant Grill de Limbe

CamerounKitchen Glory Snack-Bar Restaurant Grill



🕗 horaire

25CW+X5M, Limbe, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 71 17 67 54
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.02246, Longitude: 9.1954157

commentaires 4

  • Adjei Divine

    Adjei Divine


    Nice place

  • Hassan Abdullateef Adeiza

    Hassan Abdullateef Adeiza


  • Tangu Telma

    Tangu Telma


  • talla guilleu

    talla guilleu


    This restaurant happens to be located just besides the road and its of V.I.P standard. They sell roasted chicken among other African dishes, alcohol and non alcoholic drinks, whisky,wine and Champaign. It's very classic for family gatherings and well equipped to entertain its customers. Their toilet is well treated and the environment happens to be very neat. Their waitresses are very polite to customers and the chicken is well seasoned. The entry is accessible to wheel chairs and there is a space for wheel chair packing as well as cars due to its huge space within the compound.

Restaurant la plus proche

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