Down beach de Limbe

CamerounDown beach



🕗 horaire

25CW+X5M, Limbe, Cameroon
contact téléphone: +237 6 71 26 44 57
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 4.02246, Longitude: 9.1954157

commentaires 5




    They have good fish and other sea food. But the amount of plastic waste at the beach is a call for concern. There beggars who also parade the area and can sometimes show you nasty wound just invoke pity. Also try your best to negotiate the price since the guys there might want to take advantage of you.

  • Njong Kurt

    Njong Kurt


    Was a great place, beautiful sea food and breeze and Views. But the sanitary condition of downbeach needs to be improved.

  • Feller Rock

    Feller Rock


    Nice place because of the landscape, the proximity to the sea. But there is so much to do in terms of improving the beauty of the place! It looks abandoned!

  • talla guilleu

    talla guilleu


    Down Beach is actually the most beautiful touristic site in Limbe . It has a black sand which happens to be one of its kind in the whole world. By the beach are found banks and microfinance and other office. The Divisional Officers office is by the beach with Alfred Sakers monument just by the beach as well.

  • Etienne Wamba

    Etienne Wamba


    Down beach is a typical place at the sea side where you can eat fresh fish directly caught from the Atlantic ocean while enjoying fresh air.

Restaurant la plus proche

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