Biyem-Assi District Hospital i Yaoundé

CamerounBiyem-Assi District Hospital



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RFMP+J33, Yaoundé, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 2 22 31 30 77
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 3.834014, Longitude: 11.4851761

kommentar 5

  • geant vert

    geant vert


    ⚠️ This message concerns the laboratory part It's a shame ! Aside from collecting money for exams, what is the laboratory used for?? The results are not made available and you are asked to go back constantly, to the point of discouragement. The waste of time and money spent on travel is useless: it is better to avoid giving them your money, you will make losses. savings

  • barthelemy mvondo

    barthelemy mvondo


    A clean place with many restaurants nearby, in short a place to escape from the world because there are several refreshments (bars).

  • Technicien Telecom (Camtel)

    Technicien Telecom (Camtel)


    Very bad experiences. Arrived at the hospital at 6:30 a.m. with a patient, I was prescribed the tests to do. Only for us to receive you Echo is not easy, and after the lab asks you to come back the next day at 2 p.m.

  • Paul Kuete

    Paul Kuete


    very welcoming

  • Naphtali Kernyuy (Napho)

    Naphtali Kernyuy (Napho)


    Good health district. Well situated and clean. Has a small parking with a security guard

nærmeste Hospital

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