Ci Gusta i Yaounde

CamerounCi Gusta



🕗 åbningstider

Yaounde, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 55 00 01 11
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Latitude: 3.8927406, Longitude: 11.5119955

kommentar 5

  • Nadine Tchepannou

    Nadine Tchepannou


    Nice patio. Kids friendly. Reasonable prices. Never tried the ice cream but they say it’s good. There is a shawarma place next to the ice cream spot and a restaurant called Le Baron upstairs. I went to the restaurant. Service was nice. A bit expansive. Place is nice but there were a lot of flies in the room. Bathroom is modern and appeared to be clean. Still don’t know where the flies were coming from in a closed and air conditioned room. The only place I found pepperoni pizza. The pizza was not bad. Tuna pizza (relax) was better. There was a group of 3 Lebanese men talking down to the waiter and insulting local people in their language. I believe one of them was one of the owners or friends with them. My friend could understand what they were saying and just for that I will never go back there. Not giving my money to people racially offensive comment. Sorry. Don’t see the point of living and making money in a country but having so much racial bias against local people who constitute the majority of your clientèle. Really sad.

  • Zineb SALIF

    Zineb SALIF


    A place to be😍

  • Gensi Jay

    Gensi Jay


    This is my best ice cream place in town. I didn't know I could find such a place in Cameroon. It's great and their prices start from Cfa1500

  • en

    Agyingi Chris


    The ice cream is great. Fast services

  • Fady Haddad

    Fady Haddad


    Super gelato et crêpes

nærmeste Butik

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