Hotel De La Cité i Garoua

CamerounHotel De La Cité


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79XQ+7XP, Garoua, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237
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Latitude: 9.298216, Longitude: 13.3899554

kommentar 5

  • Djipson Parisien

    Djipson Parisien


    Very pleasant

  • Centre Andal

    Centre Andal


    Our priority is what makes the customer 24/7

  • ben Abdel Abdel

    ben Abdel Abdel


    not bad he manages to be up to the task

  • Haoua



    It's very nice here. I had a good stay

  • Nfomeneh Luis Tita

    Nfomeneh Luis Tita


    Hotel de la cite situated along the road leading to quartier yelwa the most popular quarter on Garoua its a one star hotel although i don't much appreciate the place maybe other do because the hotel really lack alot of renovations to meet with standard so the manager of this place need to much as well to fully update

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