New town palace hotel i Garoua

CamerounNew town palace hotel


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garoua cartier bami, 79WP+369, Garoua, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 94 94 82 82
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.2951541, Longitude: 13.3856244

kommentar 5

  • Olivier Djila

    Olivier Djila


    Just perfect 👌🏿

  • Georges NIATCHAK

    Georges NIATCHAK


    Was fine. Neat. I am globally satisfied. The place is nice and arround where you can easily find stuff in town. Cabarets have increased outside, which influence how noisy some rooms of the hotel are. Chose well if you are sensitive to that (or if you intend to.go out at night not.far to the hotel) This time I found mosquitos in my room. Which was not the case during my last visit. May be the season. Think about that too. Globally, I recommend this place if you are in Garoua and need to sleep somewhere.

  • Davids Friday

    Davids Friday


    A lively accommodation in the heart of Garoua; the best city of Northern Cameroon. Decency, quality services and neatness is the power of attraction here. Surrounded by a beautiful night life.

  • Daniel Yogo

    Daniel Yogo


    Looks like a decent place but very dishonest with bookings. Even with a confirmation email or phone call, they will say sorry no room for you here. I and my family got stuck with no place to go. We had booked 2 rooms! Not an isolated case though. Another corporate client had booked to stay for over a month, same story. Rooms sold to a VIP for just overnight stay right before our eyes. Unbelievable!

  • Mbulaf Emmanuel

    Mbulaf Emmanuel


    One of the newer hotels in Garoua, this is currently the best accommodation you will find since the Benoue Hotel went under renovation. This place is just under one year old and the service is appreciable. There is a restaurant and bar which operates from 6am to 10pm. This place is a budget hotel and the rooms are neat thought you may find some ants and a rat occasionally.

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