Hotel Girafe i Yaoundé

CamerounHotel Girafe


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Sis, face SANZA Night-club, Yaoundé, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 2 22 21 23 83
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Latitude: 3.8741339, Longitude: 11.5261467

kommentar 5

  • Hervé EWOTTI

    Hervé EWOTTI


    Nice place. With a rooftop where you smoke good chichia

  • Njwen Anyangwe

    Njwen Anyangwe


    I booked two rooms via for Hotel Girafe in Yaoundé for June 25, 2022. I paid in full. On arrival at the property, I was told there was no reservation for me and that the hotel does not have any online booking capabilities. I showed my reservation numbers and emails from, yet the hotel claimed that they do not have any online presence. So my question is how come they are listed on and yet, say they do not have any online presence and bookings cannot be done online. This is unacceptable! I lost the two rooms, and I lost my money for both rooms. I had to get a new room and pay for it on the sport! How can a hotel be present online, yet say they are not aware and do not allow online bookings? should verify the hotels listed on their website.

  • Funfe Truth

    Funfe Truth


    For receptions, mini concerts or seminars, this place is one of many appropriate venues around Yaoundé. A clean and exquisite environment, free from noise

  • Kizzkrys W

    Kizzkrys W


    Beautiful hotel with an amazing scenery. It also has a cool rooftop bar ideal for an evening chill out with friends. Good music and vibe too. Highly recommended.

  • T G

    T G


    I stayed here in February 2018. The location is good, walking distance to the centreville. Actually there are two buildings. The rooms in the new building is double the price of the one in front. I stayed in the front building. Although the room is quite old, it has everything I need: AC, hot water and TV. There is no lift/elevator. However, there is a staff who will assist with the luggage. The new building has a lift. Simple breakfast is included, bread, omelette, butter, jam, fruit, tea/coffee. I ordered omelette with tomatoes and onions, I was charged $1, but that is ok. I was out most of the time during my stay so I didn't get the chance to eat in the restaurant other than during breakfast. The staff are helpful and friendly. Good price considering Yaounde. I will come back again.

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