
🕗 åbningstider

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Yaounde, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 77 93 61 41
internet side:
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Latitude: 3.8824202, Longitude: 11.5344931

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kevin Butler


    Room is nice and the service is generally ok but if you are expecting a smile from the staff you have to work for it. Room is a good size with the normal amount of noise from the road being right outside. Two different size room types, with a suite (bedroom and a separate lounge) or a studio type room. The suites are on the quiet side of the building and are quite large. Even with a 3 star review I would stay here again. Oh, and get early to breakfast or all the good stuff is gone.

  • Awuh Valerie

    Awuh Valerie


    Hmm good place

  • en

    christoper kpwe kum


    It's accessible and good

  • en

    Lemuella Ndzenyuy


    The place is wonderful,organized and welcoming staff

  • Abena Woode

    Abena Woode


    Great hotel. Rooms are quaint and neat. Food is excellent. I'll definitely do it again. I will give 5 star if they add a gym and a swimming pool.

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