Santa Lucia, Akwa Nord i Douala

CamerounSanta Lucia, Akwa Nord


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Unnamed Road, Douala, Wouri, CM Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237 6 94 30 46 72
internet side:
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Latitude: 4.0813686, Longitude: 9.7198517

kommentar 5

  • Olive Uk.

    Olive Uk.


    Just an unnecessary queue as there was only one cashier

  • Blessing Nnaji

    Blessing Nnaji


    Lovely place to be, went there to propose one of the products I sell and got favoured, anything good is surely found in this place.

  • Nsame Hanson

    Nsame Hanson


    Just like the little kid beautiful too to eat

  • Peggy Anwi

    Peggy Anwi


    just like most of the shopping Malls in this Chain, it has everything you may want or need . Service is great here and the mall is very accessible.

  • Njoke Jeannot Akondi

    Njoke Jeannot Akondi


    Great shopping experience always, but the contact number on their Google my business always gets picked up by a very rude person. If it is his personal number it might be better to change it to a company number.

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