UBA, Bonaberi i Bonabéri

CamerounUBA, Bonaberi



🕗 åbningstider

3MQ7+G99, Bonabéri, Cameroon
kontakter telefon: +237
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 4.0887959, Longitude: 9.6634972

kommentar 5

  • Jam Stanley

    Jam Stanley


    Cool and friendly

  • Carlson Eyongabi Ngwa

    Carlson Eyongabi Ngwa


    Very disappointing Online or ebanking and Apps technical services. They are very irresponsive (very slow, don't respond to calls and don't provide explanations) and the system is always having one issue to the next. If your only choice is to do transactions using ebanking services, like in my situation. You will regret having an account with this bank. I created a company account and for more than a month I still don't have online access to the account, really sad!

  • Abi Aje

    Abi Aje


    This branch at bonaberi deducts my money for no good reasons can u imagine instead of the normal deduction for all customers these people are deducting two times in a month from my account I regret creating an account there it’s the worst bank I have ever created an account there before immediately I go home I withdraw all my money and close the account this is very bad deducting my money twice a month and different from others and they can’t give me any reason why they are stealing my money I will call the customers service now and deal with them and when I call the bank from abroad they don’t answer my calls

  • Lïl Manuel

    Lïl Manuel


    This place is too clean and safe Love it

  • Cornelius Awah

    Cornelius Awah


    I'm not happy with the service of the customer service counter. They serve themselves more than customers. I was left seated for quite a while and others just matches in and attended to. Those at the counter takes no notice of customer waiting. They spend the whole time talking amongst themselves and using their phones and walking up and down.

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